In general, the earlier you seek help for your hearing loss, the more effective your treatment will be. Therefore, we encourage you to reach out for for help as soon as you notice early signs of hearing loss. Learn more below.

When is it time to seek help for hearing loss?
6 signs you should seek help for your hearing loss
Learn how to recognize signs that you should seek help.
Signs of hearing loss
Learn why Louise decided to seek help
“I asked myself: Why compromise if I can do something about it? And this is why I contacted an expert.
I wanted to get back at performing 100%. I wanted life to be as it used to be. I wanted to change my life”
Audio |
Visual |
I sometimes receive feedback from my students - thanking me for my way of teaching.
Louise walks into the classroom and prepares for class |
To experience engaged and motivated students – it is the greatest gift. You know when they show their passion about my teaching, I feel committed to perform even better. |
Louise is teaching and interacting with the students |
Discussions with engaged students, the debates, the academic arguments, the different perspectives that we discover through the two-way communication. I really need to maintain these communication skills in order to do my job to perfection
Louise is talking with a student after class |
At one point I was not able to be 100% present in the discussion My first reaction was, now my students do not see me as competent and sharp. But then I asked myself, why compromise if I can do something about it? |
Zoom in clip of Louise talking |
And this is why I contacted an expert. I wanted to get back at performing 100%
Louise is seen talking with an audiologist in a clinic. Zoom in on Louise’s hearing aids on her ear. |
I wanted life to be as it used to be. I wanted a life-change |
Louise interacts with students who raise their hands in class |
Music |
White screen: HearingLife logo |

Quiz yourself: Should I get my hearing checked?
Answer a few questions to see if you could benefit from a hearing assessment.*
Your Result:
A hearing assessment is relevant for you
Your answers indicate that you experience symptoms of hearing loss. We strongly recommend booking a hearing assessment in one of our hearing centers.
The result is an indication. An in-person hearing assessment can determine if you have a hearing loss.
Book your complimentary hearing assessment:
Your Result:
A hearing assessment seems relevant for you
Your answers indicate that you experience some symptoms of hearing loss. We recommend booking a hearing assessment in one of our clinics.
The result is an indication. An in-person hearing assessment can determine if you have a hearing loss.
Book your complimentary hearing assessment:
Your Result:
It cannot be determined here if a hearing assessment is relevant for you
Your answers do not indicate that you experience symptoms of hearing loss. However, if you experience trouble hearing, we recommend booking a hearing assessment in one of our hearing centers.
The result is an indication. An in-person hearing assessment can determine if you have a hearing loss.
Book your complimentary hearing assessment:

Does hearing loss get worse if left untreated?
If any level of hearing loss is left untreated, the brain gradually loses its ability to process information (due to the lack of auditory stimulation).
This means that the longer you wait to seek treatment, the harder it will be for your brain to make sense of sounds, and the longer it will take to get used to wearing hearing aids.
6 benefits of using hearing aids

Treating hearing loss with hearing aids
Most types of hearing loss are treated with hearing aids. For those with more severe hearing loss, there are other options available, such as a cochlear implant or a bone-anchored hearing system.⁶
Hearing aid technology has progressed significantly over the past two decades, improving the quality of hearing aids and delivering an exceptional customer experience.³ ⁴
4 common myths about hearing loss treatment that are no longer true.
When to seek help immediately
If you experience any of the following signs, you should seek medical attention immediately.
- Sudden loss of hearing
- "Stuffy” feeling in the ear
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
- Loud popping sound in the ear followed by hearing loss
Call us immediately if you experience symptoms of sudden hearing loss.
1. G Livingston, Jonathan Huntley, Andrew Sommerlad, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet. July 30, 2020.
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7. Deal JA, Betz J, Yaffe K, et al, for the Health ABC Study Group. Hearing impairment and incident dementia and cognitive decline in older adults: the Health ABC Study J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2016; published online April 12. DOI:10.1093/gerona/glw069. 66
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10. The National Council on Aging, The Consequences of Untreated Hearing Loss in Older Persons, May 1999.
11. Beck DL, Clark, JL. Audition matters more as cognition declines and cognition matters more as audition declines. Audiology To-day. 2009;(3):48-59.
12. Jung D, Bhattacharyya N. Association of hearing loss with decreased employment and income among adults in the United States. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012;121(12):771–775. [PubMed]
13. Yuan, J., Sun, Y., Sang, S., Pham, J. H., and Kong, W. J. (2018). The risk of cognitive impairment associated with hearing function in older adults: a pooled analysis of data from eleven studies. Sci. Rep. 8:2137. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20496-w