

Tell us your beautiful s‌o‌u‌n‌d

Do you remember the first time you could hear with hearing aids? The very first sound you could hear clearly, no matter what it was, was likely a beautiful sound to you.

Share your beautiful sound below.

Real stories from real people

Behind the scenes of Beautiful Sounds



After years of exposure to loud rock music as a drummer and singer, Jerry realized his ability to hear had greatly declined. He got his first hearing aids two years ago and has never looked back.



For 10 years, Jude had to read people’s lips to understand most conversations. He thought wearing hearing aids was a weakness and meant he was differently abled. Once he gave in and got his first pair of hearing aids, he suddenly realized what a quiet and closed-off life he had led.



Wearing hearing aids for the past decade, Gaylyn is thrilled about being able to hear. When she first got hearing aids, she had no idea how much she couldn’t hear. She was astounded by the sound of the wind and other simple sounds like water running.



Jeremy didn’t get hearing aids until he was 30. He never had his hearing tested as a child but can’t remember a time when his ears weren’t ringing. He thought everyone heard that. When Jeremy finally got hearing aids he felt like he was part of the world again. He loves every awful sound because he is just so happy to be able to hear.

How we can help you…

HearingLife can help you find your beautiful sounds again. Through personalized hearing care by highly skilled professionals, we are helping more people hear better and connecting them back to the sounds they love. We have the expertise, knowledge and technology to ensure you are able to hear to your full potential. Your journey to better hearing begins with a simple hearing assessment.* Schedule your complimentary appointment today.

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as of 02/07/2024

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Find your beautiful sounds

When you can hear clearly, all sounds can be beautiful to you.

Step 1 of 2


© 2024 HearingLife. All rights reserved.

*The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals. One offer per consumer and offer cannot be combined with any of our promotional offers, coupons or discounts. Offer not available to any consumer who has private or federal health insurance coverage. Other terms may apply, see office for details.